Officer of the 39th Regiment of Foot c. 1754.

Officer of the 39th Regiment of Foot c. 1754. 

History of Warrant

Warrant No. 290 originally issued to the 39th REGIMENT of  FOOT on the 5th January, 1758. Warrant No. 290 became settled in CASTLETOWN, Isle of Man, in or about 1785 and was Cancelled on the 7th October, 1813.  

Warrant No. 290 reissued to brethren in KELLS, Ballymena, County Antrim on the 24th June, 1821 and was Cancelled on the 7th September, 1843.

Warrant No. 290 reissued to `St. Leonard’s Lodge’, SYDNEY, New South Wales, Australia on 18th July, 1867 and was removed from the printed Report in 1886.

[The above represents the barest of facts relating to Warrant No. 290 before same reissued to Deramore Lodge No. 290 - the IRISH MASONIC RECORDS cd-rom gives a very full account of the Lodges who held Warrant No. 290 for the years set out above]

History of Deramore Lodge No. 290, 1900 - to date.
The Minutes of the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes dated 5th June 1900 show concerning Warrant No. 290 -

"5 June, 1900 – Read Memorial from Bros. Morton, Hamilton, Childs and eight others for a Warrant to establish a Lodge in Rosetta, Co. Down, to be called the “Deramore”.  Recommended by Lodges 108, 481 and 61 and the P.G.M. of Down."

The Recommendation of The Board was followed, as is shown in the Grand Lodge Minutes of 7th June, 1900 as "Confirmed".

Warrant No. 290 reissued to Richard Morton (Lodge 186) as W.M., William Houston (Lodge 685) as S.W., and William J. Childs (Lodge 133) as J.W.,to form `Deramore Lodge' in ROSETTA, BELFAST on the 7th June, 1900.

A further five brethren registered up to 21st November, 1900.  In all cases the dates when the degrees were conferred and the issue of certificates is shown.

A Special Communication of the P.G.L. of Down held in Rosetta Masonic Hall, Ballynafeigh on Saturday, the 23rd June, 1900 to Constitute Deramore Lodge No. 290.

The Lodge was opened on the First Degree at 12.30 p.m.

Amongst the many Provincial Officers present was V.W. Bro. Francis C. Crossle, P.G. Secretary

The Provincial Grand Lodge had been specially summoned for the purpose of Constituting “Deramore” Masonic Lodge, No. 290, the ceremony was performed according to ancient Masonic custom by V.W. Bro. Jonathan Jefferson, who presided in the unavoidable absence of the R.W. the P.G.M.

The acting P.G.M. subsequently installed the Officers of the new Lodge as follows:-

Bro. Richard Morton, W.M.
Bro. William Houston, S.W.
Bro. W.J. Childs, J.W.
Bro. Thomas Hewitt, Treasurer.
Bro. James Crozier, Secretary.
Bro. Henry O’Neill, S.D.
Bro. James Cunningham, J.D.
Bro. Henry Rodgers, I.G.

The Lodge then closed in Peace, Love and Harmony after which the P.G. Officers, and a large number of Visiting Brethren, were most hospitably entertained by the members of the new Lodge.

Other Founders included Bros. John Skillen, P.M.; Henry Russell; J. Forde; H. Mateer; J. Mateer and James M. Beattie.

There is no entry for the 1914 -18 War.

The Minutes of The Provincial Grand Lodge of Down dated 12th February, 1918 shows concerning Deramore Lodge no. 290 -

“A letter was read from ‘Deramore’ Masonic Lodge No. 290 requesting permission to alter their place of meeting from Rosetta Masonic Hall to Freemasons’ Hall, Newtownards Road, Belfast. Evidence having been advanced that Grand Lodge Law No. 110 had been complied with on the motion of Bro. John Kelso, seconded by Bro. John Johnston it was decided to recommend to the Board of General Purposes of Grand Lodge that their request be acceded to.”

The Minutes of the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes dated 4th March1900 show concerning Lodge No. 290 -

"4 March, 1918 – Change of place of meeting - Approved"

Irish Masonic Records [Philip Crossle] shows [Deramore Lodge No. 290] - "Removed to Freemasons’ Hall, BALLYMACARRET, BELFAST, 1918."

Series four Vol. 14 of the extant Grand Lodge Registers shows a list of 13 brethren clearly transcribed, including their occupations, from the previous volume and a total of 148 brethren registered up to 23rd October, 1923.  In most cases the dates when the issue of certificates is shown, together with the occupation of the brother.

Series five Vol. 19 shown as Vol. 3 of the extant Grand Lodge Register commences with the registration George Howden, S. Constable RUC, registered 25th March, 1924.

A total of 103 brethren registered up to 27th May, 1952.  In most cases the dates when the issue of certificates is shown, together with the occupation of the brother.

Series six Vol. 21 of the extant Grand Lodge Register commences with the registration of W. J. E., Overseer, registered 28th April, 1953.

A total of 84 brethren registered up to 25th October, 1983.  In most cases the dates when the issue of certificates is shown, together with the occupation of the brother.

From 1984 the registration of Deramore Lodge No. 290 members is held, in alphabetical order, in a computerised register by Grand Lodge, Freemasons’ Hall, 17 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2.  The Registration of the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Secretary of Lodges are held in separate Registers, the first Volume covering the period 1983 to 1994 inclusive and the second Volume covering from 1995 to date.

Deramore Lodge made application to Grand Lodge to move its place of meeting and the record shows that “A letter was read from ‘Deramore’ Masonic Lodge No. 290 requesting permission to alter their place of meeting from Ballymarrett Masonic Hall to The Mount Masonic Centre, Park Avenue, Belfast. Evidence having been advanced that Grand Lodge Law No. 110 had been complied with on the motion of W.Bro. Colin Twiss seconded by W.Bro. Robert Campbell it was decided to recommend to the Board of General Purposes of Grand Lodge that their request be acceded to.”

Permission was granted form both Provisional Grand Lodge of Down and the Grand Lodge of Ireland.
The Warrant was moved to The Mount Masonic Centre, Park Avenue, Belfast, on the 1st January, 2006 where the Lodge resumed its normal meeting times and dates. 


Mount Masonic Centre,
45 Park Avenue,
Northern Ireland.


Phone: 02890448080

Masonic Links
  • Irish Masonic History & Jewels

  • Mount Masonic Centre, Belfast This is where Deramore 290 meets.

  • Provincial Grand Lodge of Down

  • St Mark's Lodge Glasgow No. 102 (Scottish Constitution)

  • Ulster Lodge No. 2972 (English Constitution)

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